Donald John MacAllister is a PhD student at Imperial College London, undertaking research into saltwater intrusion - an important environmental and anthropogenic hazard for many communities around the world. He has a background in both geophysics and water management, with a focus on water supply and sanitation in the developing world. Today he shares about some of his experiences in South East Asia, and the challenges of supplying clean water...
Arsenic, Fluoride and Iron are
major chemical contaminants that arise naturally in the groundwater systems of
the Gangetic plains and affect huge populations in India and Bangladesh.
Groundwater has been extensively
exploited in large areas of South Asia in the last twenty years or so, in
response to the vulnerability of surface water to contamination by chemical and
microbiological contaminants. The health
problems related to surface water development are well documented. Surface
water is more easily contaminated by microorganisms than groundwater. This
occurs because the pathways for contamination are more direct and much quicker
through surface runoff processes. Groundwater is particularly low in biological
contamination because it is protected by the rock and sediments overlying the main
aquifer. A lack of adequate sanitation compounds the problem. Infant mortality
is a key indicator of the rate of water related disease and in South Asia this
was (and often still is) extremely high. As a result a huge programme of
groundwater development was pursued by UNICEF and the Public Health Engineering
Department (PHED) in Bangladesh in the 1970’s. It was assumed that groundwater
provided a safe and relatively inexpensive source of drinking water. To this
day little resource assessment is conducted before a well is sunk.
However in the early 1990’s
doctors in West Bengal, India, began to identify the first cases of arsenic
induced skin lesions. Eventually the source of these lesions was identified.
The source was shallow groundwater contaminated by naturally occurring
inorganic arsenic. Only recently has the full extent of the problem been
realised. Bangladesh and India face a huge public health challenge in addressing
this issue. It is estimated that between 35 and 77 million people suffer from
arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh alone.
I recently spent a year in the Gangetic
plains working with people directly affected by arsenic and fluoride
contamination. I was part of a multidisciplinary team working on health sector
reforms in Bihar, India. My responsibilities covered six districts in south
west Bihar and focused on key WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) challenges.
One of the first tasks I had was to visit various water treatment plants that
had been installed by contractors to the local PHED a year earlier. The plant
consisted of a solar pumping unit (, with an adsorbent unit acting to remove the
arsenic from the water supply. The water was then piped to a public tap stand.
The plant had been designed and constructed by a contractor with a year’s
operation and maintenance included in the contract. The village was in a fairly
remote area of Bihar and the operation and maintenance of the plant had not been
considered beyond the first year’s contract. A local man from the community had
been trained at the start of the project in basic maintenance but that training
did not extend to more technical aspects of the maintenance of the plant. As a
result when the filter needed replacement the plant ceased to function. With
the filter soiled and the tap stands damaged the community returned to their
traditional, contaminated, handpump sources.

These experiences made me acutely
aware of some of the key challenges in the WASH sector, challenges such as the
selection and use of appropriate technology. How do we ensure the
sustainability of the technologies and avoid the problem I witnessed with the
handpump attachment units? One way is to involve the user at all stages of the
process, from selection to installation to operation and maintenance, accepting
however that some level of outside support is likely to remain necessary.
The contamination of groundwater
by heavy metals in South Asia is a huge public health and environmental
challenge. It is important to consider whether groundwater is the correct
source in these communities with the knowledge we now have? If it is, there is
a need for a thorough understanding of the processes leading to arsenic and
fluoride contamination and the best way to develop groundwater in regions were
these contaminants are a problem. This requires well trained hydrogeologists
willing to cooperate with local communities and institutions to help them
address this huge challenge.
For a good background reading on
Arsenic in groundwater and strategies to reduce its impact see this link from UNICEF.